Friday, 6 December 2019

5 Major Attributes Of A Safe and Quality Hoverboard

Buying a hoverboard online? Check for these attributes in yours.

Myriads of hoverboard varieties leave every buyer confused and irritated. We know how buyers check on every possible website to determine which one’s best for them. Since most of them look for brands & features, it becomes easily apparent for one to get confused.

In the following, we discuss some major attributes of hoverboards that certify their safety and quality for regular use. Let’s get started.

1. Size. If you weigh 100 kg or less, you can certainly use the typical 7-inch hoverboard for your daily amount of fun. People weighing more than 100 kgs should choose 10-inch hoverboards for extra stability, safety, and hands-off adventuring.

2. Battery. Have you checked the blasting hoverboard on the Internet? You know safety standards for battery are set to ensure full protection to users. Therefore, look for hoverboards with certified lithium ion batteries only.

3. Safety. AS/NZS 60335.2.201-2016 provides clarity on battery powered self-balancing personal transport devices. Hence, the hoverboard must adhere to these particular requirements for being fully compliant.

4. Price. You should worry if the hoverboard price is cheaper than its competitors. Cheap batteries cost much less, but they’re more prone to mishaps like fire-related incidents or so. If a supplier assures you with quality products, they should respond to this doubt of yours.

5. Warranty. The warranty on a product shouldn’t be a namesake promise to the customer. You must evaluate the feedback given to an online supplier from the customer, especially on this subject.

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